Conducting Instrumental Performance

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The graduate programs in conducting are designed to be small and highly selective. The objective of the master's and doctoral programs in conducting is to nurture highly competent musicians/conductors who will function at a very high level in professional and academic settings.

The music faculty of Frost School of Music considers study in music history, theory and related fields essential components of a conductor's preparation. The musical environment provided by the university and the Miami metropolitan area represents an ideal setting for graduate study in band, choral, and orchestral conducting.

The Frost School of Music maintains an excellent library and a distinguished faculty in addition to sponsoring numerous performing organizations. These performing ensembles, which are composed entirely of graduate and undergraduate students, differ in size, purpose, and repertoire. Collectively they provide an outstanding musical resource for those enrolled in the conducting program.


Orchestral Conducting Program  

Candidates for a graduate degree in Orchestral Conducting at the Frost School of Music must demonstrate exceptional musical ability both as a conductor and as a performer on their primary instrument. Enrollment for this major is only by special permission and is highly competitive. Only one student is taken at a time to allow maximum podium and mentoring time and the successful candidate will become the Orchestral Studies Teaching Assistant.  Applicants are prescreened and finalists are invited for an on-campus interview/audition for the position. 

Graduate students will conduct the following recitals as a minimum: 

  • Chamber concert (repertoire such as Stravinski’s L'HIstoire, Copland Appalachian Spring, etc)
  • Classical Orchestra concert (Haydn/Mozart/Beethoven sized)
  • Full Symphony Orchestra concert (Post 19th Century Symphonic works)

In addition, during regular FSO concerts: 

  • Premiere at least one orchestra work
  • Conduct a minimum of 3 full concerti or equivalent

While in residence, students are guided through score analysis in various styles, develop rehearsal plans, guided in preparation on a daily basis, and are engaged in the process of producing, recording, and editing.

Wind Conducting Program 

Candidates for a graduate degree in Wind Conducting at the Frost School of Music must demonstrate exceptional musical ability both as a conductor and as a performer on their primary instrument. 

Graduate students majoring in wind conducting will have the opportunity to conduct performances with all wind bands, which include:

  • Frost Wind Ensemble (twice a year),
  • Symphonic Winds (twice a year),
  • University Band (spring), and
  • work directly with the Frost Band of the Hour (Marching and Athletic Bands). 

Teaching assistants will participate in the day-to-day operations of the Frost Band program.  These duties include:

  • assisting with all aspects of the concert ensembles,
  • concert tours,
  • recruiting,
  • outreach/social/digital media,
  • Frost Honor Band,
  • UM Commencements, etc. 
Our program is thoughtfully designed to offer each student significant and profound musical and academic growth experiences as well as the professional opportunities to deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of all aspects of a comprehensive university band program.  Applicants are prescreened and finalists are invited for an on-campus interview/audition for the position. 
